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Business Coaching

Coaching and consulting for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses

The methodology is focused on key areas in small businesses,


Depending on needs, priorities and timing, one or more of these areas will be the focus of the coaching journey.


The focus area(s) will be assessed for the problem statement, an action plan will be developed and then tracked to monitor progress and adjust as required.

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Strategy sets the frame for the business. Examples of key elements that have to be covered:

- Why do we do what we do?

- Where are we going?

- What are the results needed?



Leadership has evolved over time, with a strong move towards leaders as coaches. Apart from the softer skills on the coaching side, there are certain functions that the leadership team are responsible for. These range from setting the vision and direction to hiring and firing to having budget and legal oversight.


Culture and Teams

A culture of an organisation is the underlying principles and value systems that a company and team operate from. It starts with the leaders and identifying their values as the base to build the company culture from.


Sales and Marketing

From understanding the target market to being clear on the message  and media, sales and marketing are a critical element of the cycle.



This is where the rubber hits the road, so there has to be clear and practical KPIs and money management.


Customer Experience

There is said to be a subtle disease of bad service in the customer facing arena. Customers value their experience with a business and a positive experience does wonders to build loyalty.


Systems and Processes

A system is a consistent way of doing something to create a level of consistent results. For the growth of the business, the more systems that are deployed, the faster it is for the company to utilise it greater strengths and double down on the value it is creating.

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