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Individual Coaching

Coaching and guidance for professional individuals who are feeling unfulfilled in their careers

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The methodology is focused on key areas impacting corporate executives, as well as new / aspiring entrepreneurs. 


Depending on needs, priorities and timing, one or more of these areas will be the focus of the coaching journey.

Self Awareness

Self awareness forms the base of the work we do in coaching. As we grow to know ourselves better, we can start reading the signs and signals directing us to a path of more fulfilment. There are multiple tools and techniques, so these are just two that are most often used.


1. Enneagram

Having done Myers-Briggs, Pathfinder, Love Languages and multiple others, the biggest results in understanding came from the Enneagram. It’s incredibly powerful to realise why we do what we do and what we need to focus on in order to grow and move forward.


2.  Getting Clear on Values

We all have in-built compasses in our values. When we feel out of alignment, stuck or frustrated, we’re often living outside of our value system. It’s key to get clear on what our values are and start adjusting course to get there. 


Vision and Purpose

If we don’t know where we’re going, we’ll get distracted with what others want from us or for us, rather than what we want for ourselves. Vision and purpose set the direction for the coaching journey, while connectedness keeps the motivation when the work to change gets hard. 



Our minds provide the narrative to what we experience in our daily lives. If the narrative is a negative one, it impacts our abilities and outlook. Managing mindset and controlling our narratives are therefore key skills in working towards achieving our goals. We cover multiple elements, from Marisa Peer's rules of the mind to exercises reviewing what is true for us and how we can shape our thoughts and emotions.


Career Guidance

Between studying career coaching and having navigated the business environment for both myself and people I have mentored through the years, this is where my experience strongly comes into play. Whether it's in the softer elements like networking, guidance on skills to develop or figuring out where to next, this part provides an element of mentoring and more informed questions / suggestions than the typical coaching process.


Stress Management

A key reason for the frustration and lack of motivation for executives lies in the overwhelm brought on by stress. It impacts multiple areas from physical and mental health, to how we interact with each other and our ability to problem solve. We often can't see the next step until we've addressed the stress element and have the space and calm to think clearly again.



To make real change, we likely need to change what we do every day. Bio-engineering is how we make those gradual changes to daily habits. As the healthy habits build and the unhealthy habits disappear, we start becoming the person we want to be and we move closer to our goals.​​


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