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Are You Being Present to the Moments?

Sep 20

2 min read




I've been coming back to this picture all week. It's become both a symbol and a reminder.

It was taken from Signal Hill at sunrise over the weekend, and it keeps drawing my attention.

1. Gratitude that I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Watching Cape Town wake up is a priviledge - runners and cyclists on the road during the drive, the smell of the sea air, the tablecloth over the mountain, the colours of the spring flowers.

2. The symbolism of the sun rising and a new dawn. Most of the time I miss that moment of acknowledging the infinite possibilities for the day. 

3. Perspective of what's actually important. Problems that seem insurmountable are really just blips on the radar in the scheme of things, especially while watching that ball of fire rise in the sky.

4. There's also the particular joy of witnessing this with an out-of-towner. There's nothing quite like seeing something through the eyes of someone experiencing it for the first time and with no idea what to expect. There's a whole new appreciation of what we can often take for granted. It's both joyful and awe-inspiring.

What's mostly staying with me though, is the feeling of being fully present for this. I spent so much time rushing to meetings, being on constant high alert for emails and messages, and forward planning crisis management in my head that I missed so many moments. Moments where I didn't/couldn't fully appreciate the experience, the surroundings, the people I was with. Moments where I didn't pick up on the subtleties of what someone was actually trying to say to me. Moments where I could have asked different questions or responded differently.

This is now a reminder for me.

What keeps you grounded and present in the moment? 

#HighPerformance #GrowthMindset #Coaching #Creativity #PersonalGrowth #MindsetShift #PersonalDevelopment #GrowthMindset #Productivity #Leadership

Sep 20

2 min read





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