Birthday celebrations are underrated.
Cake, candles, flowers (so many flowers), good food, amazing company, calls, messages, tequila, dancing, music, hugs, laughter and more laughter.
The outpouring of pure love and appreciation works wonders for perspective.
I've taken to celebrating my birthday over a week. Instead of just one big party, I have separate gatherings with smaller groups so I can spend proper time connecting with people. It's a busy few days, but it always ends with a whole new sense of appreciation and gratitude.
I still find some people complaining about getting older and those who avoid birthday celebrations because they don't want to think about their age. My response is that it's a privilege. There's been so much loss over the last few years - family, friends, my better half - that it doesn't feel right to not celebrate with the people who are still here.
Yes, birthdays only come around once a year, but there are always people/milestones/experiences to be acknowledged. If you're feeling stuck, I highly recommend finding a reason to celebrate something, even if it's just gratitude for something seemingly small.
As a leader, celebrate a team achievement. Your (and your team's) creativity and productivity will thank you. Perspective is powerful.
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