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Feeling Stuck at Work? This is What Worked For Me

Aug 14

1 min read




If you're feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your career, this is a simplified version of what worked for me.

1. Create the time and mental clarity to do the work

We're often consumed with our day to day obligations. To make a change, you need the consistent and dedicated time and headspace to do the work for yourself and on yourself.

2. Define your North Star

If you don't know what you want and what you're aiming for, you're more likely to get pulled back into what someone else wants for you. 

3. Work on self-discovery

Be honest with yourself about where you're at in your current career. Work on understanding your personality type, strengths, etc.

4. Define the gap between where you're at and where you want to be

This can be intimidating as it can seem infinite. Do it anyway.

5. Figure out the first step you can take to move you towards your North Star

You don't need the steps for the end goal upfront. Just one step at a time. The next step will reveal itself as you're doing the work.

6. Once you've taken the first step, take another. Repeat. Repeat again.

- When the step is unclear, do your research.

- When you know the step but you struggle to take it, use what you've learnt about yourself and the time you've carved out to figure out what's holding you back. 

7. Ask for help

If you're not making progress, don't give up. Ask for help.

Aug 14

1 min read





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