Reflections on my Journey over the Past Few Years
I’ve had a surprising number of people say they’ve never seen me this happy. It got me thinking about the people around me who are struggling with finding joy and work fulfilment - because of toxic work environments, weight of expectations, the list goes on.
So I've been reflecting on the key things that got me here:
1. The weight of grief needed time to lift and focused work to overcome -> some things just take time, patience and being kind to yourself. Eventually there is adjustment to a different reality.
2. Priorities needed to realign -> what grief also did was allow priorities to snap into focus more clearly. What was previously perceived as important starts taking a back seat to what's actually important.
3. Big picture thinking on my end goals and what it would take to get there -> the daily work grind was just a means goal to a larger life experience, so realizing that there were other ways to reach my end goals was an eye-opener. Implementing those options was a game-changer.
4. Proper nutrition, sleep and movement gave me the energy and mental clarity to do what I needed to do.
5. Increasing self-awareness on what energizes me as opposed to drains me - work, relationships, habits. This contributed to setting the path ahead and drove some hard decisions and key changes. It allowed me to pivot to more purpose-led work that I love. There’s still stress, but it’s good stress that elevates, not the bad kind that overwhelms.
I didn’t do it alone though. It’s hard to see the wood for the trees when you don't yet have the tools to change lenses on your own.
So, if you're feeling stuck and like something is missing in your daily grind, reach out and let's chat.
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